This is great. I’ve complained about vacuous GUI help before, but I was just faced with the worst example I’ve ever seen.  I almost laughed out loud when I saw it.  A file chooser comes up in this tool, and glued onto the left hand side of the file chooser is this fine specimen of useful information:

Open Local Toolbox</p>

The folders and toolboxes in the current folder are listed, folders first; toolboxes have a .tbx suffix.

  1. Change folders, if necessary.

If the toolbox file is not in the current folder, select the appropriate folder from the “Look in” pulldown menu or type in the folder path in the “Filename” field and press Return.

To move up one folder, click the “Open parent folder” button to the right of the pulldown menu.

To move to your home folder, click the “Go to home folder” button.

  1. Select the toolbox file you wish to open from the list or type the name in the Filename field and press Return.

The name of the file is displayed in the Filename field and its description in the Description field.

  1. Click Open.

If you were opening a local toolbox from the Console menu, the selected toolbox displays in the Console. Depending on [Preferences] settings, the selected toolbox is displayed in the Console or the Login dialog is displayed above the Console.

If you were specifying your home toolbox in the Preferences dialog, the Preferences dialog is displayed, with the selected toolbox inserted in the Location field.

Of course, the tool is completely incapable of doing anything until you point it at a “toolbox”, and the help says nothing about what toolboxes might be preinstalled on your system, or how you might create a toolbox, or how you might find a toolbox on a server.  You just have to know that part.  But in case you knew all that and didn’t know how to use a file chooser…  In that case, you’re covered.